I did the bath, bed and story routine with Izzie this evening. Whenever I get the chance I like to finish work at 5pm on the dot and get straight across to my sister's in time for stories. I was there in good time this evening, plus bedtime is a little later due to the school holidays, so Izzie and I also managed a quick game of Bus Stop whilst watching Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy. For the last couple of years I have always been sure to visit Izzie with a bag or basket full of fun stuff. Usually I take stickers, colouring books and craft kits but just lately I've popped an Orchard Toys board game in my bag and Izzie loves them. They are simple enough for her to learn but challenging enough to hold her attention. Izzie beats me every single time and I swear it's not because I let her! We like Shopping List and Pop to the Shops best. Funny that the shopping ones would appeal to me most… Ha.
After her bath, from which I got soaked from head to toe messing about with plastic colanders, Izzie picked out a book for us to read. She chose, I'm sure, the thickest book in her collection. We read a page each and it took us nearly half an hour. It is fair to say that I am not a fan of the Buffin Street Gang.
Baby Ellie has spent all of my visits fast asleep so far and tonight was no exception. We did get a good long snuggle together after her feed and Ellie snuffled into my shoulder, hiccuping softly (after the loudest, rudest, burp you ever heard). She is almost enough to make me broody, that girl. Everyone adores her. It is a joy to see my sister so relaxed and happy with her second baby.
I've been home for an hour, scoffed a posh fish finger sandwich and I think I'm off to bed now. I am reading The Diary of a Provincial Lady and loving it. It makes me laugh out loud; the unspoken competition she has with Lady B about 'the bulbs' has tickled me a lot. Like an old-fashioned, married, Bridget Jones - I can definitely recommend it.
SO nearly the weekend. Bring it on!